Our story

Buean Compañía directly translates to what we plan to be and serve- Good Company!

Established in 2021 as a simple dream, our concept has now blossomed into reality, as we officially opened September 2022.

Providing authenticity to this area through the flavors and aromas of Latin America is our goal, while both maintaining relationships with local vendors and offering something new to the existing culinary scene.


Our ingredients

We work with local vendors like Anson Mills, Grow Food Carolina and various other local farms to source all of our grains and produce. Our product is human—from the farmers who mill and harvest our grains, to the chefs behind the scenes, who put passion and care into each bite they make.



What services do we offer?

  • Food Truck Bookings: Schools, Neighborhoods, Breweries

  • Office Boxed Lunches

  • Weddings & Party Catering

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